Of course, I agree its not peaceful once they get involved. However, the level of their involvement was blown out of proportion. You could say many things about the fact that Morales’ supporters currently have 9 soldiers held hostage. They were simply trying to quell the violence that they have caused over the past few weeks — but where is the news on that?
Sure, “the peaceful protestors are not running things”, but the will of the people changed the course of history and made a corrupt, dangerous president step down. Would you complain if all this happened to Donald Trump? I bet many Americans would not call that a coup.
And how have you come up with the conclusion that the current interim government is far right? Please show me the facts and not fake news. The situation in Bolivia also teaches us not to get too caught up in words: “left”, “socialist”, “right”, “indigenous”. It does not matter how you dress it, just because someone is left and socialist does not mean they can’t be a bad person. Likewise, just because the current interim government is right does not mean they are bad. In fact, many people support them for being on the right side of history.
In addition, this is an interim government, who will be announcing new elections for January very soon.
You mention democracy, however, Morales was not democratically elected, nor was his presidency democratic. As I wrote in my article:
“According to the constitution, which only allows presidents to rule for two consecutive terms, Evo Morales was technically meant to step down in 2015 after 10 years in power. However, instead of resigning, Morales changed the constitution to run for a third-term.”
This by definition is not a democracy.
I still stand, like most Bolivians, by the fact that this was not a coup.
I challenge you to re-examine the facts, or even come to Bolivia and see for yourself.